- People who work on curriculum engage in many different types of endeavors.
- Curriculum workers had the first time approach that appeared both comprehensive and workable,
- They are advised to concentrate on student behaviors in devising objectives for a unit to emphasize appropriate learning experience rather than simply identifying content to be covered.
- Curriculum practitioners use curricula within the instructional arena and super- vise its use in schools.
- Classroom teachers who plan instruction using social studies textbooks, implement a reading program, or derive a science program from curriculum ideas offered on a Web site a curriculum practitioners.
- Curriculum disseminators make known to curriculum practitioners the existence of curricula and the proper methods of using them. A curricula disseminator might be a textbook salesperson, a school district subject matter specialist, a college professor offering a methods course, or a workshop leader for publishing company or professional organization.
- Curriculum evaluation is historically as rich as education.The evaluation concept is so comprehensive that contains several evaluation activities with the common function of investigating a certain curriculum in a given administrative content.
- Curriculum advocates are educators and members of the general public who are concerned about and attempt to influence what is taught in schools and how it is taught.
- A curriculum advocate might be a parent attempting to influence the curriculum decision of his child's school, a citizen trying to influence the curriculum decisions of the state department of education, or a politician (perhaps a president,governor, or legislator) attempting to implement her curriculum ideas through the political process.
- Curriculum theorists examine the philosophical and ideological underpinnings of existing curricula;
- Study how curricula are used, disseminated, created, and evaluated. How study the endeavors and intents of other curriculum workers.
- Speculate on what curricula should accomplish,probe the "whys" of their own examinations.
- Write books such as this one, all for the purpose of contributing to the general body of knowledge about effective curriculum practice, dissemination , advocacy, development , and evaluation.
- The role or the curriculum worker is a categorized under four headings and rationale provided for each;
- Coordination of curriculum planning and development.
- Definition and application of curriculum theory.
- Design and application of curriculum research
- Provision of aid in filling in;service needs of staff.
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